How are OMG exams developed?

Filip Stachecki

2 min

📚 OMG Exam Development: A Comprehensive Process 🌟

Have you ever wondered about the process behind the creation of OMG exams, particularly those falling under the BPM2, UML2, and OCSMP certification paths? This is a carefully orchestrated endeavor involving a dedicated team and a substantial investment of time.

The Process

First and foremost, OMG collaborates closely with industry experts to identify the necessity for a new exam. This may arise when a new standard, such as BPMN 2.0, is introduced, or when the existing exam version becomes obsolete.

A team of skilled professionals is then assembled, ready to embark on the task of crafting a new exam.

The process commences with a thorough definition of the subject matter that will serve as the foundation for the exam questions.

Each question writer is assigned specific topics and allotted dedicated time to compose their questions.

Subsequently, meticulous review sessions are conducted to assess the accuracy and quality of the questions.

Questions that receive the endorsement of subject matter experts undergo a linguistic analysis, performed by experienced psychometricians.

This curated database of questions lays the groundwork for the beta version of the exam. Participants are invited to take part in this preliminary assessment, guiding the selection of questions for the final database. Questions that prove too facile or excessively challenging are thoughtfully omitted, and the passing score is determined.

Ultimately, the exam is unveiled on the Pearson VUE website. From this juncture, it is accessible worldwide, either through an extensive network of Pearson VUE testing centers or the convenience of online testing.

🚀 Embark on Your OMG Journey

Embrace the opportunity to showcase your skills through OMG exams. Your success will be a testament to your dedication and expertise in the field.

Take that step towards achieving your goals! 🌟